It's Pat(rick)!
Ah the days back when the world and SNL had a real sense of humor … but I digress.
Our neighbor just down the road is a cattle breeder and has over 150 head of cattle. Recently he had a cow die during calving due to a ruptured artery from uterine prolapse. Luckily her little calf survived. That was on St. Patrick’s Day so he was named Patrick. And here he is!
Because Patrick does not have a momma he needs to be bottle fed. He gets 5 pints of cow formula twice a day. In between he goes and roams in the pasture and sleeps in the barn at night. When it comes to feeding time he gets very excited, hopping around, head butting you, and sucking on your fingers thinking he’s gonna get milk. Once the bottle is ready Patrick is all over it!
(Apologies for the sound but it was pouring rain and the barn has a metal roof.)
Look at that tail go! Such a happy calf.
We’ve fed him a few more times since and Patrick is quite the character. If he’s out in the pasture and you call him he will come running over. He’s easy to spot because he isn’t tagged like all of the other cows. Since he was born he’s almost doubled in weight. Sometimes when a calf loses its momma it doesn’t grow as well but not Patrick! Here’s to more feedings and watch this little guy grow into a big, happy bull.